The idea that you have to be an artist to use a Becoming Moonlight® gilding cone for body art is false. I’ve only used a gilding cone once before this, which was tracing my mermaid tattoo. The keyword there is “trace”. I am not really artistic, so I am going to share my beginners’ experience using a Becoming Moonlight® gilding cone with you.

For my first design, I attempted a starfish. Truthfully, it was awful. My lines were messy and too close together and the right pressure wasn’t applied to the cone for the paste to come out evenly. My next step was dumping the powder and glitters onto the paste right away. I didn’t follow the instructions (which is to let the paste sit for 5 to 10 minutes first). Oops! This resulted in my design being messed up further.

I used lighter colors, which made it hard to see on my pale skin. I felt frustrated throughout most of the process and disappointed that I didn’t just get it right. I decided to try again.

My second design was a flower in the same spot as my starfish, the underside of my wrist. The design was cramped and I used lighter colors again, however, my lines were a little better! I let the paste sit for a few minutes to get tacky, which allowed the glitter and paste to stick a little better for me. Overall, my second time making my own design wasn’t as frustrating as the first time.

This time, I did a flower on the back of my hand using “Jet” Becoming Moonlight® glitter. My lines were better and the design was a little more spread out. I followed all of the steps, and I’m pretty confident that had something to do with my design turning out better.
Using this method of body art was awkward at first because it takes time to adjust to holding a cone. The more I practiced, the better I became at adjusting the pressure of my hand squeezing the cone so I would have even lines. I think we all have artistic abilities within us, but sometimes you have to dig! If I can do this, so can you!
Read Liz’s first-time experience here:
Patty • Ancient Sunrise® Specialist